Are you feeling anxious? Depressed? Hearing voices? Having trouble thinking clearly? Suspicious of others? If you have noticed these behavioral changes in yourself or someone you know, it is important to seek help.

We Can Identify Who is at Risk for Psychosis

Our clinical high-risk CHR-p program is designed to identify individuals aged 10-25 who are at risk for psychosis so that they can receive early preventive services and focused treatment.

In collaboration with the County of Summit Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services Board (ADM Board), Community Support Services, Inc. (CSS) and Northeast Ohio Medical University’s Best Practices in Schizophrenia Treatment (NEOMED BeST) Center, our CHR-p Program offers a stepped-care program that provides specialized services to those at high risk of psychosis.

What You Can Expect with CHR-p

Our coordinated specialty care approach is comprehensive and includes a personal treatment plan managed by a team of mental health professionals and specialists. The personal treatment plan includes psychotherapy, psychiatry, TBS services and peer support.

For additional information:
– Call us at 330-762-0591
– Email


mother and daughter on couch